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Epilepsy. A Comprehensive Textbook (3 Volume Set)
Engel Jr., J. — Moshé, S. — Galanopoulu, A. — Stern, J. — Arzimanoglou, A. — French, J. — Guerrini, R. — Kanner, A. — Mody, I.
3ª Edición Diciembre 2023
Tapa dura
3858 pags
8845 gr
22 x 28 x 18 cm
ISBN 9781975105525
634,40 €602,68 €IVA incluido
610,00 €579,50 €IVA no incluido
Recíbelo en un plazo de
2 a 3 semanas
522,38 €496,26 €IVA incluido
502,29 €477,17 €IVA no incluido
Acceso On Line
Authoritative and updated, Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, 3rd Edition, contains 365 chapters that cover the full spectrum of relevant topics in biology, physiology, and clinical information, from molecular biology to public health concerns in developing countries. Written by world-renowned authorities and expertly edited by epileptologists Drs. Jerome Engel, Jr., Solomon L. Moshé, Aristea S. Galanopoulou, John M. Stern, Alexis Arzimanoglou, Jacqueline A. French, Renzo Guerrini, Andres M. Kanner, and Istvan Mody, this three-volume work includes detailed discussions of seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, relationships between physiology and clinical events, psychiatric and medical comorbidities, conditions that could be mistaken for epilepsy, and an increasing range of pharmacologic, surgical, and alternative therapies.
- Offers a thorough discussion of epileptic seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, reflecting the latest research and knowledge throughout
- Discusses major advances in the understanding of the basic mechanisms of epilepsy and seizures, including an expanded section on their genetic etiologies, their consequences and co-occurring conditions.
- Presents state-of-the-art approaches for the diagnostic evaluation of individuals with seizures, pharmacotherapy and alternative treatments, and extensive discussions of the new antiseizure medications for managing seizure intensity and frequency, along with their side effects
- Covers the latest developments in surgical approaches to treatment, including neuromodulation
- Discusses psychiatric issues associated with epilepsy and conditions resembling seizures.
- Presents the current state of global health care delivery for individuals with epilepsy
- Shares the knowledge and expertise of contributing authors from 48 countries and nearly 300 institutions
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