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Dna Microarrays
Schena, M.
1ª Edición Octubre 2008
Tapa blanda
250 pags
1100 gr
18 x 25 x 2 cm
ISBN 9781904842156
Editorial scion
DNA Microarrays: Methods Express covers the very latest in DNA microarray technology, with a clear focus on how these techniques can be used in the lab to gain the very best results. The authors are from some of the leading laboratories in the field and write with real authority on the latest methodology. Every chapter provides detailed step-by-step protocols with valuable hints and tips for success, as well as giving typical experimental results and selected literature citations.
This book is ' must have' manual for researchers in all fields of biology, medicine and agriculture.
1. Whole human genome microarrays (Mark Schena, Milton J. Friedman, Paul Haje,
Todd Martinsky, Greg Suzuki,
Tony Costa, Joy Chung, Mel Ruiz, Chris Costa, Luis Machado, Rajiv Raja, and
Rupal Desai)
2. Toxicogenomics of dioxin (Craig R. Tomlinson, Saikumar Karyala, Danielle
Halbleib, Mario Medvedovic, and Alvaro Puga)
3. Amplified differential gene expression microarrays (Zhijian J. Chen and Kenneth
D. Tew)
4. DNA microarray detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus (TaeJeong
Oh, SookKyung Woo, MyungSoon Kim, and Sungwhan An)
5. Expression profiling of transcriptional start sites (Mutsumi Kanamori-Katayama,
Shintaro Katayama, Harukazu Suzuki,Yoshihide Hayashizaki)
6. Methods for increasing the utility of microarray data (Kazuro Shimokawa,
Rimantas Kodzius, Yonehiro Matsumura, and Yoshihide Hayashizaki)
7. Key features of bacterial artificial chromosome microarray production and
use (Timon P.H. Buys, Ian M. Wilson, Bradley P. Coe, William W. Lockwood, Jonathan
J. Davies, Raj Chari, Ronald J. DeLeeuw, Ashleen Shadeo,Calum MacAulay, and
Wan L. Lam)
8. Epigenetic analysis of cellular immortalization (Aviva Levine Fridman, Scott
A. Tainsky, and Michael A. Tainsky)
9. Microarray comparative genomic hybridization (Simon Hughes, Richard Houlston,
and Jeremy A. Squire)
10. RNA sample preparation and small ?quantity RNA profiling for microarray
biomarker discovery (Jianyong Shou and Lawrence M. Gelbert)
11. DNA microarrays to study nonhuman primate gene expression (Stephen J. Walker)
12. Enhanced microarray hybridization using surface acoustic wave mixing (Natalie
Stickle, Kelly Jackson, Andreas Toegl, Frank Feist, and Neil Winegarden)
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