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Amputations. Types, Procedures and Risks (Surgery, Procedures, Complications, and Results)
Mattthijs, S. — Sidransky, R.
1ª Edición Junio 2012
Tapa dura
196 pags
513 gr
16 x 24 x 2 cm
ISBN 9781621000723
113,25 €107,59 €IVA incluido
108,89 €103,45 €IVA no incluido
Recíbelo en un plazo de
2 a 3 semanas
In this book, the authors present current research in the types, procedures and risk of amputations. Topics discussed include primary major amputation versus distal bypass for critical lower limb ischemia; reconsidering the indications for amputation or limb salvage after severe trauma; traumatic penile amputation and delayed healing in the prosthetics process of leg amputees. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical)
Table of Contents
Primary Major Amputation versus Distal Bypass for Critical Lower Limb Ischemia,
pp. 1-33
(Marius Fodor, Lucian Fodor, Constantin Ciuce, Department of Vascular Surgery,
Emergency District Hospital, University Of Medicine and Pharmacy Ïuliu
Hatieganu”, Cluj Napoca, Romania, and others)
Amputations: Risks and Outcomes in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia and
Non-Salvageable Limbs, pp. 35-61
(Paola De Rango, Massimo Lenti, Enrico Cieri, Basso Parente, Paolo Bonanno,
Alessandro Marucchini, Alessandra Manzone, Giuseppe Giordano, Division of Vascular
and Endovascular Surgery, Hospital S.M. Misericordia, University of Perugia,
Perugia, Italy)
Amputation of Thumb, Finger Tips, Heel, and Forefoot: New Modalities for Reconstruction,
pp. 63-93
(Hamdy A. El Khatib, Weil Cornell School of Medicine, State of Qatar Branch,
Doha, Qatar)
Reconsidering the Indications for Amputation or Limb Salvage after Severe Trauma,
pp. 95-119
(Lucian Fodor, Marius Fodor, Yehuda Ullmann, Constantin Ciuce, Department of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Emergency District Hospital, University
of Medicine and Pharmacy Ïuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj- Napoca, Romania,
and others)
Traumatic Penile Amputation: Techniques and Outcomes over the last 20-years,
pp. 121-143
(Paul Charlesworth, Ashwini Joshi, Department of Paediatric Surgery, The Royal
London Hospital, London, United Kingdom)
Amputation Overview, pp. 145-162
(Nirmal K. Phulwani, Jyoti Khatri, Chetan C. Shah, Department of Radiology,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Arkansas, USA)
Lower Limb Ischemia and Amputations among Cuban Patients with Peripheral Arterial
Disease, pp. 163-172
(José Luis Cabrera -Zamora, Arquímides Díaz-Batista, Milagros
García-Mesa, National Institute for Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Havana,
Influence of Delayed Healing in a Prosthetics Process of Leg Amputees, pp.
(R. Rotllant Solà, G. Sirvent Batalla, F. Nacenta Arias, L.V. Galvis,
M. Marcos Cerecedo Marcos, N. Montesinos, Servicio de Medicina Física
y Rehabilitación del Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet
de Llobregat, Barcelona, España)
Knee Disarticulation and Transfemoral Amputations: General Principles, Pitfalls,
and Operative Techniques, pp. 181-205
(Adam Bevevino, Scott M. Tintle, Scott B. Shawen, Benjamin K. Potter,
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., USA)
Amputations Secondary to Burn Injuries, 207-222
(Fulvio Urso-Baiarda, Jennifer Bracher, Jeremy Rawlins, Pinerfields General
Hospital, Wakefield, United Kingdom)
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