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Diseases of the Sinuses. a Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnosis and Treatment
Chang, C. — Incaudo, G. — Gershwin, M.
2ª Edición Julio 2014
Tapa dura
876 pags
1911 gr
22 x 29 x 3 cm
ISBN 9781493902644
Editorial SPRINGER
207,99 €197,59 €IVA incluido
199,99 €189,99 €IVA no incluido
Recíbelo en un plazo de
2 a 3 semanas
- Comprehensive resource on the basic, clinical, and medical and surgical management aspects of sinus disease
- Provides new concepts, insights, and experience that can be beneficially applied to the diagnosis and treatment of patients
- Developed by a distinguished group of international experts who share their expertise and insights from years of collective experience in treating sinus diseases
Diseases of the Sinuses: A Comprehensive Textbook of Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd Edition, offers the definitive source of information about the basic science of the sinuses and the clinical approach to sinusitis. Since the widely praised publication of the first edition, understanding of sinus disease has changed dramatically, mainly as a result of recent developments and new discoveries in the field of immunology. This updated and expanded edition is divided into sections addressing, separately, the pathogenesis, clinical presentation, medical and surgical management of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis. Special entities such as autoimmune-related sinusitis, allergy and sinusitis, and aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease are discussed in separate chapters. The role of immunodeficiency is also addressed. The management section has been fully updated to incorporate new medical modalities and surgical procedures. Developed by a distinguished group of international experts who share their expertise and insights from years of collective experience in treating sinus diseases, the book will appeal to anyone who has an interest in sinus disease, including both physicians and allied health professionals. Internists, pediatricians, allergists, otolaryngologists and infectious disease specialists will find the book to be an invaluable, comprehensive reference. Physician assistants and nurse practitioners who work with specialists who treat sinus disease will also benefit from the book.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner
Related subjects » Internal Medicine - Medicine – Pediatrics
Section A: Anatomy and physiology
Ch. 1: Anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Samuel Márquez, William Lawson, Steven D. Schaefer, Anthony S. Pagano,
Michael Papaxanthos, Bradley N. Delman, Jeffrey T. Laitman
Ch. 2: Physiology and host immune responses of the nose and sinuses
Jonathan A. Bernstein, Andrew M. Smith
Ch. 3: Immunobiology of chronic rhinosinusitis
Gary A. Incaudo, Christopher Chang
Ch. 4: Structural anomalies of the nose and sinuses in patients with rhinosinusitis
Vijay R. Ramakrishnan, Todd T. Kingdom, Richard R. Orlandi,
Section B: Microbiology
Ch. 5: Microbiology of acute, sub-acute and chronic rhinosinusitis in children
Gregory P. DeMuri, Ellen R. Wald,
Ch. 6: Microbiology of acute, subacute and chronic rhinosinusitis in adults
Michael S. Benninger, Troy D. Woodard,
Ch. 7: Biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis
Nithin D. Adappa, James N. Palmer,
Ch. 8: Fungus in sinus disease
Matthew W. Ryan, Ng Yuk Hui, Mohammad O. Aloulah,
Section C: The Clinical Spectrum of Sinus Disease
Ch. 9: Differential diagnosis of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis
Jonathan Romeo, Mark S. Dykewicz
Ch. 10: Diagnosis and classification of chronic rhinosinusitis with and without
polyposis in adults and children
Daniel L. Hamilos
Ch. 11: Sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma and the single airway hypothesis
Christopher Chang
Ch. 12: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug hypersensitivity and sinus disease
Jinny E. Chang, Andrew A. White, Ronald A. Simon
Ch. 13: Headache and sinonasal disease
Michael J. Marmura, Stephen D. Silberstein
Ch. 14: Immunodeficiency and sinus disease
Stephen J. McGeady, Gary A. Incaudo
Ch. 15: Autoimmunity and sinus disease
Stanley M. Naguwa, Christopher Chang, Gary A. Incaudo
Section D: Diagnostic modalities
Ch. 16: Anterior rhinoscopy and nasal endoscopy in the diagnosis of sinonasal
Douglas R. Johnston, Marc R. Rosen
Ch. 17: Imaging of the paranasal sinuses: plain film radiography, computed
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
Mahmood F. Mafee, Nikokdt Farid, Wei Yen Lim
Ch. 18: Direct or objective evaluation of nasal function: nasal mucosal microscopy,
flow rhinometry, acoustic rhinometry and olfactory assessment
Anton R. Dotson, Gary A. Incaudo
Section E: Medical and Surgical Management
Ch. 19: Medical management of acute rhinosinusitis in children and adults
Nathan Richards, Shannon Doyle Tiedeken, Christopher Chang
Ch. 20: Medical management of chronic rhinosinusitis in children and adults
Samuel L. Friedlander
Ch. 21: Sinus surgical techniques from Caldwell-Luc to MIST
Peter J. Catalano, Rahul C. Gupta, Meir Warman, Rohan C. Wijewickrama
Ch. 22: Surgical management of rhinosinusitis in children and adolescents
Jessica R. Levi, Richard Schmidt
Ch. 23: Surgical management of rhinosinusitis with and without polyps in adults
Marcelo B. Antunes, David W. Kennedy
Ch. 24: Controversies in the surgical management of chronic rhinosinusitis
Samuel Jayaraj, Peter James Andrews
Ch. 25: Managing complications of endoscopic sinus surgery in children and
Brendan C. Hanna, Peter-John Wormald
Ch. 26: Chronic frontal sinusitis
Murugappan Ramanathan, Jr., Andrew P. Lane
Ch. 27: Orbital and intracranial complications of acute and chronic rhinosinusitis
Jan Kastner, Daniel Simmen, David Netuka, Jan Kastner Sr., Volker Gudziol
Ch. 28: Surgical management of cysts and papillomas of the nose and sinuses
Jamie L. Funamura, Jonathan Liang, Craig W. Senders
Ch. 29: Tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Aaron D. Robinson, Jonathan Liang, Quang Luu
Ch. 30: The paranasal sinuses in facial trauma
Carmine Taglialatela Scafati, Salvatore Taglialatela Scafati
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