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Management of Neck Pain Disorders. A Research Informed Approach
Jull, G. — Falla, D. — Treleaven, J. — O'Leary, S.
1ª Edición Octubre 2018
Tapa dura
280 pags
806 gr
20 x 24 x 2 cm
ISBN 9780702074776
Editorial ELSEVIER
55,68 €52,90 €IVA incluido
Recíbelo en un plazo De 3 a 4 días
39,51 €37,53 €IVA incluido
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Section 1 Introduction
1 Neck Pain Disorders
Section 2 Clinical Sciences
2 Nociception and Pain perception
3 Movement and Posture in Neck Pain Disorders
4 Neural Tissue in Neck Pain Disorders
5 Neuromuscular Disturbances in Neck Pain Disorders
6 Sensorimotor Control Disturbances in Neck Pain Disorders
7 Psychological and Social Considerations in Neck Pain Disorders
Section 3 Clinical Assessment
8 Clinical Assessment: The patient interview
9 Clinical Assessment: The physical examination
10 The Differential Diagnosis of Symptoms and Signs of Sensorimotor Control Disturbances
11 Headache: The Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Musculoskeletal Causes or Contributors
Section 4 Clinical Management
12 Principles of Management
13 Communication, Education and Self-Management
14 Management of Joint and Movement Dysfunction
15 Management of Neuromuscular Dysfunction
16 Management of Sensorimotor Control Disturbances
17 Management of Nerve Tissue
18 Case Presentations: Clinical reasoning and clinical decision making
19 Concluding Remarks: Focussing on prevention
Written by world renowned researchers and clinicians in the field, Management of Neck Pain Disorders provides a comprehensive insight into the nature of neck pain disorders within a biopsychosocial context to inform clinical reasoning in the management of persons with neck pain. Emphasising a patient centred approach, this book practically applies knowledge from research to inform patient assessment and management. It also provides practical information and illustrations to assist clinicians to develop treatment programs with and for their patients with neck pain.
Author Information
By Gwendolen Jull, AO, Dip Phty, Grad Dip Manip Ther, MPhty, PhD, FACP , Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Emeritus Professor in Physiotherapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia ; Deborah Falla, PhD, B Phty(Hons), Professor, Rehabilitation Science and Physiotherapy, Director, Centre of Precision Rehabilitation for Spinal Pain (CPR Spine), School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom ; Julia Treleaven, PhD, B Phty, Private Practitioner (part time), Lecturer in Physiotherapy, Senior Researcher in the Whiplash and Neck Pain Research Unit, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia and Shaun O'Leary, BPhty (Hons), MPhty St (Musculoskeletal), PhD, FACP, Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland; Physiotherapy Department, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
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