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Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections 8 Vols
10ª Edición Enero 2007
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7408 pags
32000 gr
31 x 43 x 24 cm
ISBN 9780340809129
Editorial Hodder Education
2160,00 €2052,00 €IVA incluido
2076,92 €1973,08 €IVA no incluido
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Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections 10Ed continues a tradition of providing the most comprehensive reference guide to micro-organisms and the resulting infectious diseases. This latest editon provides a unique resource: for the first time, each volume stands alone as an example of the best writing in the fields of Bacteriology, Immunology, Mycology, Parasitology and Virology. Together they work as a set - answering every conceivable query in this vast and growing field.
The seven volumes are accompanied by a cumulative index, and all the information is available on a separate fully-searchable CDROM.
Authored by a highly respected team of over 400 editors and contributors, Topley and Wilson 10e draws on best practice from over 20 countries and can be considered as the ultimate global perspective.
* Fully integrated colour for the first time - the text is supported by over
1,400 photographs and 700 line drawings
* International and highly-acclaimed editor team - their rigorous editing and
referencing has resulted in great consistency and flow
* Each volume serves as a stand-alone classic reference in its own right
Table of Contents:
Part I: General characteristics of viruses
A short history of research on viruses Leslie Collier
The Origin and Evolution of Viruses Esteban Domingo and John J. Holland
The Nature and Classification of Viruses Marc H. V. Van Regenmortel
The Classification of Vertebrate Viruses Craig R. Pringle
The morphology and structure of viruses Rob W. H. Ruigrok, Guy Schoehn, and
James F. Conway
Propagation and identification of viruses Dean D. Erdman
The replication of viruses David J. Rowlands
Negative Strand RNA Virus Replication Richard M. Elliott
Positive-strand RNA Virus Replication in Vertebrate Hosts Jo Ellen Brunner and
Bert L. Semler
DNA Virus Replication Sandra K. Weller
Genetics of Vertebrate Viruses Craig R Pringle
Virus-host cell interactions L. Andrew Ball
Pathogenesis of Viral Infections Neal Nathanson and Kenneth L. Tyler
The immune response to viral infections Anthony A. Nash and Bernadette M. Dutia
The role of cytokines in viral infections Paula M. Pitha and Myriam S. Künzi
Viral Evasion of the Host Immune Response Antonio Alcami
Viral oncogenicity James C. Neil and John A. Wyke
The epidemiology of viral infections Arnold S. Monto
The Order Mononegavirales Andrew J. Easton and Craig R. Pringle
The order Nidovirales Eric J. Snijder, Stuart G. Siddell, and Alexander E. Gorbalenya
Part II: Specific viruses and viral infection
Parvoviruses Peter Tattersall and Susan F. Cotmore
Adenoviruses Willie Russell
Papillomaviruses Margaret Stanley and Mark Pett
Polyomaviruses Jessica Otte Mahmut Safak, and Kamel Khalili
Herpesviruses: general properties Andrew J. Davison and J. Barklie Clements
Alphaherpesviruses: herpes simplex and varicella-zoster Anthony C. Minson
Betaherpesviruses: cytomegalovirus, human herpesviruses 6 and 7 William J. Britt
Human herpes virus 8 Bernhard Fleckenstein and Frank Neipel
Gammaherpesviruses: Epstein–Barr virus M. Anthony Epstein and Dorothy
H. Crawford
Poxviruses Geoffrey L. Smith
Poxvirus replication Richard C. Condit and Richard W. Moyer
Orthomyxoviruses: influenza Nancy J. Cox, Gabriele Neumann, Ruben Donis and
Yoshihiro Kawaoka
General Properties of the Paramyxoviruses Paul A. Rota, Bettina Bankamp, and
William J. Bellini
Morbilliviruses: measels virus Sibylle Schneider-Schaulies and William J. Bellini
Rubulavirus: Mumps Virus Wendy A. Knowles and Li Jin
Respiroviruses: Parainfluenza virus Richard W. Peluso and Anne Moscona
Pneumovirus and Metapneumovirus: Respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus
Ralph A. Tripp
Paramyxoviruses of animals Paul A. Rota and Thomas Barrett
Coronaviruses, toroviruses and arteriviruses Stuart G. Siddell, John Ziebuhr
and Eric J. Snijder
Picornaviruses Philip Minor
Human enteric RNA viruses: Astroviruses Michael J. Carter and Margaret M. Willcocks
Human enteric RNA viruses: Noroviruses and Sapoviruses Ian N. Clarke and Paul
R. Lambden
Reoviruses, Orbiviruses, and Coltiviruses Terence S. Dermody and Ulrich Desselberger
Rotaviruses Ulrich Desselberger, Jim Gray and Mary K. Estes
Rubella Jennifer M. Best, Samantha Cooray, and Jangu E. Banatvala
Flaviviruses John T. Roehrig and Duane J. Gubler
Togaviruses Scott C. Weaver and Ilya V. Frolov
Bunyaviridae Alan D. T. Barrett and Robert E. Shope
Arenaviruses Maria S. Salvato and Juan D. Rodas
Filoviruses Heinz Feldmann and Hans-Dieter Klenk
Rhabdoviruses: rabies Noël Tordo, Pierre-Emmanuel Ceccaldi, Yves Gaudin,
and Alex I. Wandeler
Borna disease virus Thomas Briese, Mady Hornig and W. Ian Lipkin
Hepatitis A and E Betty H. Robertson
Hepatitis C virus Peter Simmonds and David Mutimer
Hepatitis B Wolfram H. Gerlich and Michael Kann
Hepatitis delta virus John M. Taylor
TT Virus and other Anelloviruses Mauro Bendinelli and Fabrizio Maggi
Retroviruses and associated diseases in humans Charlene S. Dezzutti, Walid Heneine,
Roumiana S. Boneva, and Thomas M. Folks
Foamy Viruses Axel Rethwilm
Human immunodeficiency virus Ulrich Schubert and Myra McClure
Prions of humans and animals Adriano Aguzzi
Part III: Syndromes caused by a range of viruses
Infections of the central nervous system Jürgen Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle
Schneider-Schaulies and Volker ter Meulen
Infections of the foetus and neonate, other than rubella Gisela Enders
Virus infections in immunocompromised patients Anthony Simmons
Part IV: Principles of diagnosis and control
Safety in the virology laboratory Graham Lloyd and Michael P. Kiley
The laboratory diagnosis of viral infections Steven Specter and Mauro Bendinelli
Immunoprophylaxis of viral diseases Steve C. Hadler and Jane F. Seward
Viral vectors for gene therapy R. Michael Linden and Kenneth I. Berns
Antiviral chemotherapy Hugh J. Field and Richard J. Whitley
The emergence and re-emergence of viral diseases Brian W.J. Mahy and Frederick
A. Murphy
Part I: General basic characteristics
The bacteria: historical introduction Bohumil S. Drasar
Taxonomy and nomenclature of bacteria John T. Magee
Bacterial growth and metabolism James P. Shapleigh
Bacterial genetics Matthew B. Avison and Peter M. Bennett
Bacteriocins and bacteriophages Martin Day
Molecular basis of bacterial adaptation to a pathogenic lifestyle Kim R. Hardie,
Tom Baldwin, and Paul Williams
Part II: General ecosystems
Airborne bacteria Linda D. Stetzenbach
Bacteriology of soils and plants Guy R. Knudsen
Bacteriology of water Edwin E. Geldreich Jr
Bacteriology of milk and milk products Frederick J. Bolton
Bacteriology of foods, excluding dairy products Diane Roberts
Human microbiota Patrick R. Murray
Part III: General epidemiology, transmission, and therapy
Epidemiology of infectious diseases Stephen R. Palmer and Meirion R. Evans
Theory of infectious disease transmission and control Angus Nicoll, Nigel J.
Gay, and Norman T. Begg
Emergence and resurgence of bacterial infectious diseases Ruth L. Berkelman
and Keith P. Klugman
Healthcare-associated infections Mark H. Wilcox and R.C. Spencer
Microbial susceptibility and resistance to chemical and physical agents A. Denver
Antibacterial therapy Ian M. Gould
Part III: Organ and system infections
Bloodstream infection and endocarditis Harald Seifert and Hilmar Wisplinghoff
Bacterial meningitis Keith A.V. Cartwright
Other CNS bacterial infections Fiona E. Donald
Bacterial infections of the eye Susan E. Sharp and Michael R. Driks
Bacterial Infections of the upper respiratory tract Richard B. Thomson Jr
Bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract Robert C. Read
Bacterial infections of the genital tract Catherine Ison
Bacterial infections of the urinary tract Sören G. Gatermann
Bacterial infections of bones and joints Anthony R. Berendt
Part IV: Laboratory aspects
Conventional laboratory diagnosis of infection Joseph D.C. Yao
Molecular laboratory diagnosis of infection Robin Patel
Bacterial immunoserology Roger Freeman
Biological safety for the clinical laboratory Michael Noble
Part V: Organisms and their biology
Staphylococcus Sharon J. Peacock
Streptococcus and Lactobacillus Mogens Kilian
Enterococcus Lúcia M. Teixeira and Richard R. Facklam
Gram-positive anaerobic cocci Michael W.D. Wren
Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus and other aerobic endospore-forming bacteria
Niall A. Logan
Listeria Jim. McLauchlin
Erysipelothrix Walter F. Schlech III
Corynebacteria and rare coryneforms Guido Funke
Tropheryma Matthias Maiwald
Actinomyces and related genera Guido Funke
Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, and Propionibacterium William G. Wade and Julie
F. Downes
Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium tetani Eric A. Johnson
Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium difficile, and other Clostridium species
S. Peter Borriello and Klaus Aktories
Nocardia and other aerobic actinomycetes Patricia S. Conville and Frank G.Witebsky
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Mycobacterium leprae, and other slow-growing
mycobacteria Gaby E. Pfyffer and Véronique Vincent
Rapidly growing mycobacteria Frank G. Witebsky and Patricia S. Conville
Neisseria Timothy A. Mietzner and Stephen A. Morse
Acinetobacter and Moraxella William Riley
Veillonella and other anaerobic gram-negative cocci Jonathan S. Brazier
The Enterobacteriaceae: general characteristics J. J. Farmer III, M. K. Farmer,
and Barry Holmes
Escherichia Tom Cheasty and Henry R. Smith
Shigella Phillippe J. Sansonetti
Salmonella E. John Threlfall
Proteus, Morganella and Providencia Bernard w. Senior
Yersinia Audrey Wanger
Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia, and other Enterobacteriaceae
Patrick R. Murray, Barry Holmes and Hazel M. Aucken
Vibrio Judith A. Johnson
Aeromonas Barbara J. Chang and J. Michael Janda
Campylobacter and Arcobacter Olivier Vandenberg, Martin B. Skirrow, and Jean-Paul
Helicobacter Robert J. Owen
Pseudomonas Norberto J. Palleroni
Burkholderia spp. and related genera Tyrone L. Pitt and David A. Dance
Pasteurella, Mannheimia, Actinobacillus, Eikenella, Kingella, Capnocytophaga,
and other miscellaneous gram-negative rods William M. Janda and Reinier Mutters
Haemophilus Mary P. E. Slack
Brucella Patrick R. Murray and Michael J. Corbel
Francisella Francis E. Nano and Karen L. Elkins
Legionella Timothy Harrison
Bordetella Roger Parton
Borrelia Danièle Postic
Treponema Victoria Pope and Bret M. Steiner
Leptospira Ben Adler and Solly Faine
Bartonella and Afipia Anna Sander
Spirillum minus and Streptobacillus moniliformis Scott A. Martin
Bacteroides, Prevotella and Porphyromonas Haroun N. Shah, Saheer E. Gharbia,
and Ingar Olsen
Fusobacterium and Leptotrichia Tor Hofstad and Ingar Olsen
Mycoplasma Shmuel Razin
Chlamydia Per-Anders Mårdh
Rickettsia and Orienta Didier Raoult and J. Stephen Dumler
Erlichia and Anaplasma J. Stephen Dumler and Didier Raoult
Coxiella burnetii Nigel F. Lightfoot and Graham Lloyd
Part I: Background and basic information
Historical introduction: evolution of knowledge of the fungi and mycoses from
Hippocrates to the twenty-first century Edouard Drouhet
Kingdom Fungi: fungal phylogeny and systematics Thomas G. Mitchell
Fungal structure and morphology Paul F. Lehmann
Laboratory diagnosis Glenn D. Roberts, Norman L. Goodman
Mycoserology and molecular diagnosis Ruth Matthews and James P. Burnie
Histopathological diagnosis of mycotic diseases Henrik Elvang Jensen and Francis
W. Chandler
Part II: Therapeutic agents and vaccines
Antifungal agents and antifungal susceptibility testing Sanjay G. Revankar,
John R. Graybill, and Thomas F. Patterson,
Principles of antifungal therapy Peter G. Pappas
Resistance to antifungal agents Sevtap Arikan and John H. Rex
Management of superficial infections Jeff Weeks and Boni Elewski
Part III: Superficial and ocular fungal infections
White piedra, black piedra and tinea nigra G. Sybren de Hoog and Eveline Guého
Superficial diseases caused by Malassezia species Vicente Crespo Erchiga and
Eveline Guého
The dermatophytes Arvind A. Padhye and Richard C. Summerbell
Dermatomycotic molds Colin K. Campbell and Elizabeth M. Johnson
Superficial candidiasis Paul L. Fidel, Jr. and Karen L. Wozniak
Oculomycosis Philip A. Thomas and P Geraldine
Part IV: Subcutaneous mycoses
Subcutaneous zygomycoses David H. Ellis
Chromoblastomycosis Philippe Esterre
Sporotrichosis Roberto Arenas
Eumycetomas Roderick J.Hay
Protothecosis R. Scott Pore
Pythiosis Leonel Mendoza
Lobomycosis Sinésio Talhari and Roger Pradinaud
Rhinosporidiosis Sarath N. Arseculeratne and Leonel Mendoza
Part V: Systemic mycoses due to dimorphic fungi
Blastomycosis Arthur F. Di Salvo and Bruce S. Klein
Coccidioidomycosis Demosthenes Pappagianis
Histoplasmosis Ram P. Tewari, L. Joseph Wheat and L. Ajello
Paracoccidioidomycosis Gil Benard and Marcello Franco
Penicilliosis Maria Anna Viviani and Nongnuch Vanittanakom
Part VI: Systemic mycoses caused by opportunistic fungi
Candidiasis Esther Segal and Daniel Elad
Serious infections caused by uncommon yeasts Janine R. Maenza and William G.
Cryptococcosis John R. Perfect and Gary M. Cox
Systemic zygomycosis David H. Ellis
Aspergillosis Malcolm D. Richardson
Deep phaeohyphomycosis Chester R. Cooper, Jr.
Deep hyalohyphomycosis Caroline B. Moore and David W. Denning
Pneumocystis pneumonia Melanie T. Cushion
Part VII: Unusual disease presentations by fungi
Adiaspiromycosis and other infections caused by Emmonsia species Lynne Sigler
Part I: General parasitology
History of human parasitology F.E.G. Cox
World-wide importance of parasites Gabriel A. Schmunis and Francisco J. López-Antuñano
Epidemiology of parasitic infections Roy M. Anderson
Immunology and immunopathology of human parasitic infections F.E.G. Cox and
Derek Wakelin
Control of parasites, parasitic infections and parasitic diseases David H. Molyneux
Diagnosis of parasitic infections Stephen H. Gillespie
Part II: Protozoa
Cellular organization of parasitic protozoa Heinz Mehlhorn
Classification and introduction to the parasitic protozoa F.E.G. Cox
Amebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica infections Adolfo Martínez-Palomo and
Martha Espinosa-Cantellano
Other ntestinal amebae John P. Ackers
Opportunistic amebae David T. John
Giardiasis Lynne S. Garcia
Trichomonas infections Donald E. Burgess
Dientamoeba fragilis and other intestinal flagellates Jaroslav Kulda and Eva
Balantidium coli Viqar Zaman and F.E.G. Cox
Old World leishmaniasis Paul A. Bates and R.W. Ashford
New World leishmaniasis Ralph Lainson and Jeffrey J. Shaw
African trypanosomiasis Samuel J. Black and John Richard Seed
New World trypanosomiasis Michael A. Miles
Intestinal coccidia: cryptosporidiosis, isosporiasis, cyclosporiasis Vincent
McDonald and M. Paul Kelly
Toxoplasmosis J. P. Dubey
Sarcocystis J. P. Dubey
Babesiosis of humans Sam R. Telford III and Andrew Spielman
Malaria Marcel Hommel and Herbert M. Gilles
Microsporidiosis Alan Curry
Blastocystis Hominis Jeffrey J. Windsor
Part III: Helminths
Nature and classification of parasitic helminths David I. Gibson
Schistosomes: general Andrew S. MacDonald and Somei Kojima
Schistosomes: African Andrew S. MacDonald and Somei Kojima
Schistosomes: Asian Somei Kojima
Lung and liver flukes Melissa R. Haswell-Elkins
Intestinal tapeworms Jørn Andreassen
Larval cestodes Ana Flisser and Philip S. Craig
Gastrointestinal nematodes – Ascaris, hookworm, Trichuris and EnterobiusCelia
V. Holland
Stronglyloides and Capillaria Michael Cappello and Peter J. Hotez
Toxocara Elena Pinelli, Laetitia M. Kortbeek, and Joke van der Giessen
Trichinella Dickson D. Despommier
Lymphatic filariasis Subash Babu and Thomas B. Nutman
Onchocerciasis J E Bradley, J Whitworth and M-G Basáñez Janette
E. Bradley, María-Gloria Basanez, and James Whitworth
Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) and less common nematodes Kentaro Yoshimura
Dracunculiasis Ralph Muller
Part I: Introduction
Introduction Brigitte A. Askonas
History Anne Marie Moulin
Part II: Innate Immunity and Inflammation
Phagocytes part 1: Macrophages Gordon D. Brown and Siamon Gordon
Phagocytes part 2: Neutrophils Antonio Ferrante
Basophils and eosinophils Edward E.S. Mitre and Thomas B. Nutman
Natural killer cells Klas Kärre and Jens Zerrahn
Pattern recognition Nicolas W.J. Schröder and Ralf R. Schumann
Apoptosis Antoine Galmiche and Arturo Zychlinsky
Complement B. Paul Morgan
Antimicrobial peptides: defensins and cathelicidins Robert I. Lehrer and Tomas
Lipid mediators: leukotrienes, prostanoids and other lipids Charles W. Parker
The acute phase response John G. Raynes
Part III: Soluble Mediators
Chemokines Marco Baggiolini and Pius Loetscher
Type 1 interferons and receptors Sidney Pestka
Cytokines Sergio Romagnani
Part IV: Acquired Immunity
Antibodies and B lymphocytes William Cushley and Gillian Borland
The B-cell antigen receptor Anthony L. DeFranco
Monoclonal antibody therapy Andrew J.T. George
Processing and presentation of antigen by the class II histocompatibilty system
Emil R. Unanue
CD4+ T lymphocytes Allan M. Mowat and Paul Garside
MHC class I antigen processing system Jonathan W. Yewdell
The role of CD8 T cells in the control of infectious disease and malignancies
Shiou-Chih Hsu
Unconventional T cells Adrian Hayday and Carrie Steele
T-cell receptors Marc Bonneville
Lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity Eckhard R. Podack
Immunological memory Shane Crotty and Rafi Ahmed
Lymphocyte homing Michel Aurrand-Lions and Beat A. Imhof
The musocal immune response Kohtaro Fujihashi, Prosper N. Boyaka and Jerry McGhee
Superantigens Bernhard Fleischer
Immunogenetics Marie-Anne Shaw
Part V: Infection and Immunity
Viral interference with the host immune response Antonio Alcami, Ann Hill and
Ulrich H. Koszinowski
Evasion of immune response by bacteria Kingston H.G. Mills and Aoife P. Boyd
Parasite evasion Werner Solbach and Richard Lucius
Part VI: Immunopathology and Immunodeficency
Shock/sepsis Daniela N. Männel
DTH-associated pathology Stefan Ehlers and Christoph Hölscher
Airway hypersensitivity Elizabeth R. Jarman and Jonathan R. Lamb
Autoimmunity Helena Crowley and Brigitte T. Huber
The immunocompromised host Alain Fischer
Acquired immunodeficiencies Ralf Ignatius and Thomas Schneider
Part VII: Vaccines
New approaches to vaccine delivery Charalambos D. Partidos
New vaccine technologies James P. Nataro and Myron M. Levine
Peptide vaccines Claude P. Muller and Mike M. Putz
Live vaccine carriers Gordon Dougan, Richard J. Aspinall, Frances Bowe, and
Liljana Petrovska
Naked DNA vaccines Linda S. Klavinskis
Adjuvants and subunit vaccines Giuseppe Del Giudice and Rino Rappuoli
Mathematical models of vaccination Graham F. Medley and D. James Nokes
About the Author(s):
Virology edited by: Brian W.J. Mahy, Senior Scientific Adviser,
National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, GA, USA Volker ter Meulen, Professor Emeritus of Clinical Virology
and Immunology, Former Chairman of the Institute of Virology and Immunobiology,
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany Bacteriology
edited by: S. Peter Borriello, Director, Specialist and Reference Microbiology
Division, Health Protection Agency, London, UK Patrick R. Murray, Chief, Microbiology
Service, Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Institutes of Health Clinical
Center, Bethesda, MD, USA Guido Funke, CEO, Gärtner & Colleagues Laboratories,
Ravensburg, Germany Medical Mycology edited by: William G.
Merz, Professor of Pathology, Dermatology, Epidemiology, and Molecular Microbiology
and Immunology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Roderick J.
Hay, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Queens University Belfast,
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Parasitology edited by: F.E.G
Cox, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Infectious and Tropical
Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK Derek Wakelin,
Professor Emeritus, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK Stephen H. Gillespie,
Professor of Medical Microbiology, and Regional Microbiologist, Centre for Medical
Microbiology, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK Dickson
D. Despommier, Professor of Public Health and Microbiology, Department of Environmental
Health Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Immunology
edited by: Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Director, Department of Immunology, Max-Planck-Institute
for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany Michael W. Steward, Emeritus Professor
of Immunology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
Broad audience, including microbiologists working in general, medical, food,
environmental and pharmaceutical areas. Specialists include bacteriologists,
virologists, parasitologists, immunologists
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