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Transfusion and Transplantation Science
Avent, N.
2ª Edición Abril 2018
Tapa blanda
368 pags
500 gr
19 x 25 x null cm
ISBN 9780198735731
Editorial OXFORD
51,34 €48,77 €IVA incluido
49,37 €46,89 €IVA no incluido
Recíbelo en un plazo de
2 a 3 semanas
Biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare, from cancer screening to diagnosing HIV, from blood transfusion for surgery to food poisoning and infection control. Without biomedical scientists, the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of theeffectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible.
The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series has been written to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today. It draws together essential basic science with insights into laboratory practice to show how an understanding of the biology of disease is coupled to the analytical approaches that lead to diagnosis.
Assuming only a minimum of prior knowledge, the series reviews the full range of disciplines to which a Biomedical Scientist may be exposed—from microbiology to cytopathology to transfusion science.
The science of transfusion and transplantation demands a multifaceted understanding of immunology, haematology, and genetics from the biomedical scientist. Transfusion and Transplantation Science synthesizes the essential concepts of these subjects and presents them within the practical framework of the hospital banking and transplantation centre, providing you with the knowledge and skills to specialize in this discipline.
- A blend of science theory and biomedical science practice make this series ideal for those seeking both the knowledge and skills to become proficient Biomedical Scientists
- Case studies and other examples enrich the text, firmly rooting it in the context of clinical and biomedical practice
- Self-test and discussion questions, with answers provided online, encourage students to analyze the text and develop their problem solving skills
- The book is augmented by an Online Resource Centre, which includes video interviews with practicing biomedical scientists and 'in the lab' footage showing biomedical science in practice
New to this Edition:
- A new chapter on haemolytic disease of the newborn and fetus, including prenatal diagnosis, current clinical management, screening of D-negative mothers, and non-invasive prenatal blood grouping.
- A new chapter on solid organ transplantation and xenotransplantation, including the clinical management of transplants, major rejection episodes, the management of transplantation by immunosuppression, and the potential of xenotransplantation to alleviate the shortfall of human organs.
- Case studies have been extended to help foster an understanding of the diagnostic process, taking the reader through each clinical case from initial presentation to the interpretation of results.
1: Introduction to basic immunology, Neil Avent
2: Human erythrocyte antigens or blood groups, Neil Avent
3: Haemolytic disease of the newborn and fetus, Neil Avent
4: Blood donors and donation, collection processing and transfusion management
5: Blood donation testing, John Barbara and Cathy Hyland
6: Clinical use of blood components, Lionel Mohabir
7: HPA and HNA blood groups and platelet transfusion, Geoff Lucas
8: Compatibility testing and adverse effects, Malcolm Needs
9: Immune mediated red cell destruction, Malcolm Needs
10: Human leukocyte antigens and clinical significance, Neil Avent
11: Solid organ transplantation and xenotransplantation, Neil Avent
12: Haemopoetic stem cell transplantation and stem cell plasticity, Ruth Morse
13: Tissue banking and tissue engineering, Vehid Salih
14: Quality assurance, Joan Jones
Edited by Neil Avent, Professor of Molecular Diagnostics and Transfusion Medicine, School of Biomedical & Healthcare Sciences, Plymouth University
Professor Neil Avent is Professor of Molecular Diagnostics and Transfusion Medicine at the School of Biomedical & Healthcare Sciences of Plymouth University. He has taught transfusion and transplantation to undergraduates since 1999 and to biomedicalscientists at Masters levels.
Neil Avent, Plymouth University
John Barbara, NHS Blood and Transplant
Cathy Hyland, Australian Red Cross Blood Service
Joan Jones, Welsh Blood Service
Geoff Lucas, NHS Blood & Transplant
Lionel Mohabir, Welsh Blood Service
Ruth Morse, University of the West of England
Malcolm Needs, NHS Blood & Transplant
Vehid Salih, Plymouth University
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