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![Portada del libro 9780123736321 Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, 4 Vols.](
Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, 4 Vols.
Chadwick, R.
2ª Edición Marzo 2012
Tapa dura
3464 pags
4000 gr
null x null x null cm
ISBN 9780123736321
The four-volume set includes detailed investigations of historical and theoretical material including topics from the award-winning first edition published in 1998, plus topics on issues that were not or only just barely on the horizon. In addition to the areas in which particular issues arise, it is still essential for those engaged in applied ethics to reflect on what is being ‘applied.’ The work includes a number of articles on ethical and philosophical approaches, historical and contemporary, religious and secular.
Key Features
- Concise entries (ten pages on average) provide foundational knowledge of the field
- Each article will features suggested readings pointing readers to additional sources for more information, a list of related websites, a 5-10 word glossary and a definition paragraph, and cross-references to related articles in the encyclopedia
- Newly expanded editorial board and a host of international contributors from the US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Sweden, and the United Kingdom
- The 376 chapters are divided into 4 volumes, each chapter falling into a subject category including Applied Ethics; Bioethics; Computers and Information Management; Economics/Business; Environmental Ethics; Ethics and Politics; Legal; Medical Ethics; Philosophy/Theories; Social; and Social/Media
Table of Contents
- Abortion
- Accounting and business ethics
- Acts and omissions
- Addiction
- Adoption
- Advance directives
- Advertising
- Affirmative Action
- Ageism
- Agricultural Ethics
- AIDS in the developing world
- AIDS: Ethical Issues in Healthcare
- Altruism and economics
- Animal research
- Animal Rights
- Anthropocentrism
- Appearance, Ethics of
- Applied ethics, Challenges to
- Applied ethics, Overview
- Archaeological Ethics
- Aristotelian ethics
- Arts, The
- Auditing practices
- Authority in education
- Autonomy
- Benefit sharing
- Biobanks
- Biocentrism
- Biodiversity
- Bioethics, Overview
- Bioinformatics and Ethics
- Biometric Technologies, Ethical Implications
- Biopower (Foucault)
- Biotechnology
- Bioterrorism
- Border control/asylum seekers
- Brain death
- Broadcast Journalism
- Buddhism
- Business ethics and gender issues
- Business Ethics and the Quality of life
- Business ethics, Overview
- Business Practices and Agent Virtue
- Capital Punishment
- Care, Ethics of
- Casuistry
- Censorship
- Changing Concepts of Race in the Age of Genomics
- Child Abuse
- Children’s Rights
- Christian ethics, Protestant
- Christian ethics, Roman Catholic
- Citizenship
- Civil disobedience
- Civilian populations in war, Targeting of
- Climate change
- Clinical ethics
- Cloning
- Codes of ethics
- Coercive treatment in psychiatry
- Collective guilt
- Communication ethics
- Communitarianism
- Community Roles in Consent to Research and Research Without Individual Informed Consent
- Complementary medicine
- Computer and information ethics
- Computer security
- Confidentiality of Sources in Social Research
- Confidentiality, General issues of
- Conflict of interest
- Confucian Qing-Based Morality
- Conjoined twins
- Conscientious objection
- Consequentialism and deontology
- Consumer rights
- Contractarian ethics
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate responsibility
- Corporations, Ethics in
- Cosmetic surgery
- Cosmopolitanism
- Crime and society
- Custody of children
- Cyborgs
- Daoism (Taoism)
- Darwinism
- Death, Definition of
- Death, Medical aspects of
- Death, Social attitudes towards
- Deep Ecology
- Defences at criminal law
- Democracy
- Dental Ethics
- Developing world bioethics
- Development ethics
- Development Issues, Environmental
- Dignity
- Disability, Definition Within Law and Society
- Disaster Relief
- Discourse ethics
- Discrimination, Concept of
- Distributive justice, Theories of
- Divorce
- Do-not-resuscitate decisions
- Drugs: Moral and legal issues
- Dual use of biotechnology
- Ecological Balance
- Economic ethics: an overview
- Economic Globalization and Ethico-Political Rights
- Economies and Trust
- Ectogenesis
- Egoism and altruism
- Elderly, Social attitudes towards
- Election strategies
- Electronic surveillance
- Embryology, Ethics of
- Environmental compliance by industry
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Ethics, Overview
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental justice
- Epicureanism
- Equality and egalitarianism
- Ethical experiments
- Ethical expertise in policy
- Ethical Issues in Genetic databases
- Ethical issues in the Payment of research subjects
- Ethics and Education: Civil Education
- Ethics and Policy
- Ethics and Social Services, Overview
- Ethics and the Built Environment
- Ethics of a Sustainable World Population in 100 Years
- Ethics of Affordable Housing
- Ethics of Anatomy
- Ethics of Clinical/Randomised trials
- Ethics of Technology, Overview
- Ethnocultural minority groups, Status and treatment of
- Eugenics
- Euthanasia (physician-assisted suicide)
- Everyday ethics
- Evidence-based medicine
- Evil, Problem of
- Evolutionary perspectives on ethics
- Executive compensation
- Existentialism
- Exploitation
- Family, The
- Female circumcision and genital mutilation
- Feminist ethics
- Fetal research
- Fetus
- Food ethics
- Freedom of Expression
- Freudianism
- Friendship
- Functional Foods and Personalised Nutrition
- Gaia Hypothesis
- Gambling in the United States
- Game theory
- Gender roles
- Gene therapy
- Genetic Ancestry
- Genetic counseling
- Genetic Engineering (of human beings)
- Genetic exceptionalism
- Genetic screening
- Genetics and behaviour
- Genetics and crime
- Genetics and insurance
- Global access to knowledge
- Global ethics, Overview
- Global Ethics: Approaches
- Global Public Goods
- Greek ethics, Overview
- Gun control
- Health and disease, Concepts of
- Health impact assessment
- Health Technology Assessment
- Hedonism
- Hermeneutics
- Hinduism
- Homelessness
- Homicide, Criminal
- Homosexuality, Societal attitudes toward
- Human Enhancement
- Human Genome Project
- Human nature, Views of
- Human Research Subjects, Selection of
- Human Rights
- Humanism
- Imperialism
- Improper payments and gifts
- Indigenous rights
- Infectious diseases (e.g. SARS)
- Infertility
- Information gathering and use for population health
- Informed consent
- Innovation (definition of)
- Intellectual property rights
- Intelligence testing
- Intrinsic and Instrumental Value
- Islam
- Journalism Ethics
- Judaism
- Jury conduct
- Just War Theory
- Justice in international research
- Juvenile crime
- Kantianism
- Land Use Issues
- Leadership, Ethics of
- Liberalism
- Life, Concept of
- Literature and Ethics
- Loyalty
- Machiavellianism
- Marxism and ethics
- Media Depiction of Ethnic Minorities
- Media Organizations as Social Institutions
- Media Ownership
- Medical codes and oaths
- Medical ethics, History of
- Medical ethics, Use of empirical evidence in
- Medical futility
- Medical humanities
- Mental Disorder, Concept of
- Mercy and forgiveness
- Military Ethics (was Military codes of behaviour)
- Mobility (migration)
- Mobility (transport)
- Moral development
- Moral Particularism
- Moral relativism
- Multidisciplinary approaches to ethics
- Nanotechnology
- Native American cultures
- Nature versus nurture
- Needs and Justice
- Neuro-ethics/Brain-imaging
- Normative Coherence (theory of)
- Nuclear Deterrence
- Nuclear Testing
- Nuclear Warfare
- Nursing
- Nutrigenomics
- Obesity
- Objectivity in Reporting
- Open source software
- Organ Donation and Transplantation
- Organisations and guidelines (UNESCO, HUGO)
- Pacifism
- Paedophilia
- Painism
- Palliative care
- Parliamentary ethics
- Patents
- Paternalism
- Patients' rights
- Perfectionism
- Personal Relationships
- Personalised medicine
- Personalism
- Persuasive technology
- Pharmacogenetics
- Physiotherapy, Ethics of
- Placebo treatment
- Plagiarism and Forgery
- Platonism
- Playing God
- Police Accountability
- Police and Race Relations
- Political correctness
- Political Ecology
- Political obligation
- Pornography
- Poststructuralism
- Poverty
- Pragmatism
- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- Preventive Medicine
- Principlism
- Privacy, Challenges to
- Professional ethics
- Property Rights
- Prostitution
- Proteomics
- Psychiatric ethics
- Psychosurgery and physical brain manipulation
- Public Engagement in Science and Technology
- Public health ethics
- Publish-or-Perish Syndrome
- Racism
- Rape
- Reality TV
- Regenerative medicine
- Regulation and Censorship in the Internet age
- Religion and ethics
- Religion in schools
- Reproductive technologies, Overview
- Reputation management by corporations
- Research ethics committees
- Research ethics, Clinical
- Research funding and academic freedom
- Research Governance
- Resource allocation
- Responsibility
- Right to know and right not to know
- Rights theory
- Risk Governance in a Complex World
- Safety Laws
- Saviour siblings
- Science and Engineering Ethics, Overview
- Scientific Publications
- Scientific responsibility and misconduct
- Self-deception
- Sen's ";Capabilities"; and Economic Welfare
- Sex equality
- Sex selection
- Sexism
- Sexual Content in Films and Television
- Sexual orientation
- Sikhism
- Slavery
- Slippery slope arguments
- Social ethics, Overview
- Social Network Media: The Ethical Maze of Participation 2.0
- Social Responsibility Principle
- Social Security
- Social Welfare: Provision and Finance
- Social work
- Socially responsible investment
- Solidarity
- Space ethics
- Speciesism
- Sports, Ethics of
- Stem Cells
- Stewardship
- Stoicism
- Strikes
- Suggestion, Ethics of
- Suicide (not assisted)
- Sustainability
- Synthetic Biology
- Tabloid Journalism
- Technology assessment as an analytic and democratic practice
- Technology Transfer
- Terrorism
- The Ethics of Privacy
- The ethics of virtual communities
- The Precautionary Principle
- Theories of ethics, Overview
- Theories of justice: Rawls
- Therapeutic misconception
- Thomism
- Tourism
- Trade Law and Globalization
- Transhumanism
- Transsexualism
- Trust
- Truth Telling as Constitutive of Journalism
- Undercover investigations, Ethics of
- Use of Historical Evidence in Medical Ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Vegetarianism
- Veterinary Medical Ethics
- Victimless crimes
- Violence in Films and Television
- Virtue ethics
- Warfare, Codes of
- Welfare Policies
- Whistle-blowing
- Wildlife Conservation
- Women’s Rights
- Workplace ethics: Issues for human service professionals in the New Millennium
- Xenotransplantation
- Zoos and Zoological Parks
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